How to reach

If you want to reach our guesthouse, you can do so using one of those: using your own car, or by bus, train or plane.
If you are coming from out of the country, the nearest airport is the one in Faro, which is at a 40 km distance. In spite of that, you can also come from the Seville airport, which is far away at 150 km. From there, you should catch a bus that does the trip from Seville to Tavira. More information here.

If you are coming by plane, you should use has destination the Faro Airport (acronym:FAO) (far away 40 km) or Seville (acronym:SVQ) (far away 170 km).

Search for Flights to Faro

You can use the widget below to make a search for flights that has Faro as the destination.
Enter your origin airport and Click in the ‘magnifier icon’ to complete your search in the Momondo website.

Directions from Faro Airport to Casa Viana (car)

After arriving at Faro Airport, you can use the map bellow to obtain the directions to reach Casa Viana. After clicking ‘Go’ you should see those directions.

To see the map in better detail, please click “Other options”

Unfortunately, there’s still no interface between the airport and train transport, and in this way the remaining transportation ways with the closest city (Faro) it’s by mean of bus, taxi or private shuttle services (transfers).
More information is available in the Faro airport website.

You can use the widget below to obtain the directions to reach Casa Viana if you are coming through highway (the one the crosses the Algarve from one opposite to the other is called A22, or “Via do Infante”, as known colloquially). The default path you obtain after clicking “Go” is the advised one after you left the A22 exiting it on Tavira node.
You can choose another origin point using the select box and specifying another origin point.
If you are coming by bus from another point in Portugal we recommend to catch the buses called ‘Expresso Qualidade’ from EVA (the main transportation company in Algarve) which depart from Lisbon and go to the main Algarve cities and towns. In our case, you should pick the destination Tavira.You can find the timetables here.
There is another company (Rede Expressos, which is spread all over the country) that can come from any other point in the country, not just Lisbon. You can buy your ticket online.
EVA, have another main bus route which, which you should consider, the one that goes from Seville to Lagos can be very useful if you travel using the european high-speed train network (TGV), which ends in Seville . The timetables are available here.
If you are coming by train from Lisbon or Oporto you can use the high speed train (so-called alfa train), or in alternative, the intercidades which depart from Lisboa (trainstations Entrecampos or Oriente). Both trainlines end their trips in Faro, and from that point you should catch a ‘regional train’ which will take you for the stations between Faro and Vila Real de Santo Antonio. In our case, you should leave the train in station called ‘Conceição’.